Q.F.I School Board of Trustees

Message from the Board

The members of the Board of Trustees for Qatar–Finland International School would like to express their honour to serve the school in its academic and administrative efforts. We are proud to be chosen for and be a school whose administration and teachers are a model for excellent education in Qatar. We commend Qatar–Finland International School for establishing a strong partnership with parents, and we strongly value this partnership.

We would also like to build on it and extend it to reach different parts of the community. Such efforts will play an influential role to encourage our children to excel educationally, intellectually, and socially. The profession of teaching is almost a sacred one in our culture. We recognize the difficulties, challenges, and rewarding results associated with it. Therefore, we would like to recognize such great efforts, which surely will be seen in our children’s progress to be as successful as their school, parents, and society want them to be. The Trustees will be part of this partnership by providing all kinds of support.